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7th CPC Travelling Allowance | TA/DA Rules for Govt Employees

7th Pay Commission Travelling Allowance Rules for Central Government Employees

Travelling Allowance is not a regular allowance for all employees! Travelling Allowance is that the permission to avail reimbursement of the expenses incurred by an employee while on duty in outstation! Travelling Allowance is a package of various allowances. Travelling Allowance and Daily Allowance (TA-DA),  Hotel Charges, Travelling Charges, Food Charges, Mileage Allowance, Reservation Charges, Internet and E-Ticketing Charges, Cancellation Charges, Conveyance Charges, TA on Deputation, TA on Transfer and TA on Retirement.

Compilation of TA/DA Rules for CG Employees

New Revised Rate and Entitlements of Travelling allowance as per 7th pay commission with effect from 1st July 2017: For Armed Forces Defence Personnel and Railway employees, the concerned department will issue separate orders on this subject respectively. Supersession of all orders issued earlier, particularly DoE Office Memorandum No.19030/3/2008-E.IV dated 23.9.2008, in respect of Travelling Allowance rules.

Travelling Allowance (TA) on Retirement

Time-limit for submission of claims for TA on Retirement is modified from 60 days to 180 days (six months), succeeding the date of completion of the journey – Finance Ministry Orders on 15th June 2021.

TA/DA Rules for Central Govt Employees

What is TA/DA?

TA/DA stands for Travelling Allowance and Daily Allowance (not Dearness allowance). TA means the travel expenses as per entitlement on official duty. DA means the food and accommodation charges as per the entitlement. Travelling allowance and Daily allowance are fixed amounts as per the pay matrix level after the 7th pay commission.

What is Travelling Allowance?

A reimbursement system for travelling expenses while on duty (official duty or temporary duty). And any kind of travelling expenses is permissible as per entitlements of TA/DA Rules. Other than travel expenses, accommodation, food and other related expenses are also eligible for reimbursement under Daily Allowance. The revised rates of TA and DA allowances after the 7th pay commission are given below in detail.

  • 7th Pay Commission Travel Entitlement
  • 7th Pay Commission Rate of Travelling Allowance
  • 7th Pay Commission Orders on Travelling Allowance

This Allowance on tour comprises fares for a journey by rail/road/air/ sea or road mileage for road journeys otherwise than by bus and Daily Allowance for the period of absence from Headquarters [Para 4.2.27 6th CPC Report]

Travelling Allowance Rates 7th Pay Commission – Travel Entitlement as per Pay Level in Pay Matrix

Entitlement of Daily Allowance and Travelling Allowance as per Pay Level in Pay Matrix Table

Travel Entitlement for Tour and Training (within the Country)

Pay Matrix Level Travel entitlement
14 and above Business or Club class by air or AC-I by train
12 and 13 Economy class by air or AC-I by train
9 to 11 Economy class by air or AC-II by train
6 to 8 Economy class by air or AC-II by train
5 and below First Class or AC-III or AC Chair car by train

Entitlement of Premium Trains, Premium Tatkal, Suvidha, Shatabdi, Rajdhani and Duronto Trains

Pay Matrix Level Travel Entitlements*
12 And Above Executive or AC 1st Class (In Case of Premium, Premium Tatkal, Suvidha, Shatabdi, Rajdhani higher class)
6 To 11 AC 2nd Class or Chair Car (In Shatabdi Trains)
5 & Below AC 3rd Class or Chair Car

International Travel Entitlement

Pay Matrix Level Travel Entitlement
17 And Above First Class
14 To 16 Business or Club Class
13 And Below Economy Class
Entitlement for journeys by Sea or by River Steamer

(i) For places other than A&N Group of Islands and Lakshadweep Group of Islands:-

Pay Level In Pay Matrix Travel Entitlement
9 And Above Highest Class
6 To 8 Lower Class If There Be Two Classes Only On The Steamer
4 And 5 If Two Classes Only, The Lower Class, If Three
Classes, The Middle Or Second Class. If There Be Four Classes, The Third
3 And Below Lowest Class

For travel between the mainland and the A&N Group of Islands and Lakshadweep Group of Islands by ships operated by the Shipping Corporation of India Limited

Pay Level In Pay Matrix Travel Entitlement
9 And Above Deluxe Class
6 To 8 First / ’A’ Cabin Class
4 And 5 Second / ’B’ Cabin Class
3 And Below Bunk Class
Mileage Allowance for Journeys by Road

(i) At places where specific rates have been prescribed:-

Pay Level In Pay Matrix Entitlements
14 Or Above Actual Fare By Any Type Of Public Bus Including AC
Bus OR At Prescribed Rates Of AC Taxi When The Journey is Actually Performed By AC Taxi OR At Prescribed Rates For Auto Rickshaw For Journeys
By Auto Rickshaw, Own Car, Scooter, Motor Cycle, Moped, Etc.
6 To 13 Same As Above With The Exception That Journeys By AC Taxi Will Not Be
4 And 5 Actual Fare By Any Type Of Public Bus Other Than AC
Bus OR At Prescribed Rates For Auto Rickshaw For Journeys
By Auto Rickshaw, Own Car, Scooter, Motor Cycle, Moped, Etc.
3 And Below Actual Fare By Ordinary Public Bus Only OR At Prescribed Rates For Auto Rickshaw For Journeys By Autorickshaw,
Own Scooter, Motor Cycle, Moped, Etc.
Daily Allowance as per Pay Level in Pay Matrix

Rate of Daily Allowance Travelling Allowance as per Pay Level in Pay Matrix Table

Pay Level 5 and below
Accommodation Charges Rs. 450 per day
TA Charges Rs. 113 per day
Lump-sum Rs. 500 per day
Pay Level 6 to 8
Accommodation Charges Rs. 750 per day
TA Charges Rs. 225 per day
Lump-sum Rs. 800 per day
Pay Level 9 to 11
Accommodation Charges Rs. 2,250 per day
TA Charges Rs. 338 per day
Lump-sum Rs. 900 per day
Pay Level 12 and 13
Accommodation Charges Rs. 4,500 per day
TA Charges AC taxi charges of up to 50 km per day
Lump-sum Rs. 1000 per day
Pay Level 14 and above
Accommodation Charges Rs. 7,500 per day
TA Charges AC taxi charges as per actual expenditure
Lump-sum Rs. 1,200 per day

Note: The Rates of Accommodation Charges, Travelling Charges, and Lump sum amount will further increase by 25% whenever DA increases by 50%.

Clarification on accommodation charges for stay in Hotels as per CCS (TA) Rules – Dated: 18.6.2018

Claiming of hotel charges procedure for CG Staff and Officers with effect from 1st July 2017 as per the recommendations of the 7th pay commission.

For levels 8 and below, the amount of claim (up to the ceiling) may be paid without the production of vouchers against self-certified claims only. The self-certified claim should clearly indicate the period of stay, name of dwelling, etc. Additionally, for a stay in Class ‘X’ cities, the ceiling for all employees up to Level 8 would be Rs. 1,000 per day, but it will only be in the form of reimbursement upon production of relevant vouchers.

Reimbursement of Travelling charges

Reimbursement of TA for Central Government Officers and Staff from 1st July 2017.

Similar to Reimbursement of staying accommodation charges, for level 8 and below, the claim (up to the ceiling) may be paid without the production of vouchers against self-certified claim only.

The self-certified claim should clearly indicate the period of travel, vehicle number, etc. the ceiling for levels 11 and below will further rise by 25 per cent whenever DA increases by 50 per cent. For journeys on foot, an allowance of Rs.12/- per kilometre travelled on foot shall be payable additionally.

Reimbursement of Food charges Procedure

Reimbursement of food bills procedure for CG Employees after 7th pay commission.

There will be no separate reimbursement of food bills. Instead, the lump sum amount payable will be as per Table E (i) above and, depending on the length of absence from headquarters, would be regulated as per Table (v) below.

Since the concept of reimbursement has been done away with, no vouchers will be required. This methodology is in line with that followed by Indian Railways at present (with suitable enhancement of rates). i.e. Lump sum amount payable.

Timing restrictions – Absence from HeadQuarter

Absence from Head Quarter will be reckoned from midnight to midnight and will be calculated on a per-day basis.

If absence from headquarters is less than 6 hours = 30% of the Lumpsum amount

If absence from headquarters is between 6 -12 hours = 70% of the Lumpsum amount

If absence from headquarters is more than 12 hours = 100% of the Lumpsum amount

Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission

Transportation Rules for Personal Effects

Transportation of personal effects on transfer by road calculation. Transportation entitlement for Central Government employees with effect from 1.7.2017

Level By Train/Steamer By Road
12 And Above 6000 Kg By Goods Train/4 Wheeler Wagon/1 Double
Rs. 50 Per Km
6 To 11 6000 Kg By Goods Train/4 Wheeler Wagon/1 Single Container Rs. 50 Per Km
5 3000 Kg Rs. 25/- Per Km
4 And Below 1500 Kg Rs. 15 Per Km
Transportation Rules for Conveyance

Reimbursement for transportation of conveyance charges for CG employees effective from 1.7.2017.

Level Reimbursement
6 And Above 1 Motor Car Etc. Or 1 Motor Cycle/Scooter
5 And Below 1 Motorcycle/Scooter/Moped/Bicycle
Classification of pay level for Travelling allowance

Rate of transportation of conveyance on transfer

7th CPC Travelling Allowance
Pay Level in Pay Matrix
Level-14 (GP Rs. 10000)   and above
Level-12 (GP Rs. 7600) and Level-13 (GP Rs. 8700)
Level-9 (GP Rs. 5400) to Level-11 (GP Rs. 6600)
Level-6 (GP Rs. 4200) to Level-8 (GP Rs. 4800)
Level-4 (GP Rs. 2400) and Level-5 (GP Rs. 2800)
Level 3 (GP Rs. 2000) and below
TA-DA Allowance Rules for Central Government Employees

SR 116 of TA Rules PDF

The travelling allowance referred to will be admissible in respect of the journey of the Government servant and members of his family from the last station of his duty to his home town or to the place where he and his family is to settle down permanently even if it is other than his declared home town and in respect of the transportation of his personal effects between the same places.

SR 147 of TA Rules PDF

S.R. 147 the expenditure on transportation of conveyance by government servants on their retirement shall be reimbursed without insisting on the requirement that the possession of the conveyance by them while in service at their last place of duty should have been in the public interest. Finance Ministry issued an important clarification order on Travelling Allowances rules and rates as per 7th Pay Commission on 13.7.2017.

TA/DA Rules for Retiring Employees

TA on Retirement includes 4 components:-

  1. Travel entitlement for self and family
  2. Composite Transfer and packing grant (CTG)
  3. Reimbursement of charges on transportation of personal effects
  4. Reimbursement of charges on transportation of conveyance.

(i) Travel Entitlements

Travel entitlements as prescribed for tour/transfer in Para 2 above, except for International Travel, will be applicable in case of journeys on retirement. The general conditions of admissibility prescribed in S.R. 147 will, however, continue to be applicable.

(ii) Composite Transfer Grant (CTG)

(a) The Composite Transfer Grant shall be paid at the rate of 80% of the last month’s basic pay in case of those employees, who on retirement, settled down at places other than the last station(s) of their duty located at a distance of or more than 20 km.

However, in case of settlement to and from the Island territories of Andaman, Nicobar & Lakshadweep, CTG shall be paid at the rate of 100% of last month’s basic pay.

Further, NPA and MSP shall not be included as part of basic pay while determining entitlement for CTG.

The transfer incidentals and road mileage for journeys between the residence and the railway station/bus stand, etc., at the old and new station, are already subsumed in the composite transfer grant and will not be separately admissible.

(b) As in the case of serving employees, Government servants who, on retirement, settle at the last station of duty itself or within a distance of less than 20 km may be paid one-third of the CTG subject to the condition that a change of residence is actually involved.

(iii) Transportation of Personal Effects:- Same as Para 3(iii) above.

(iv) Transportation of Conveyance:- Same as Para 3(iv) above.

The general conditions of admissibility of TA on Retirement as prescribed in S.R. 147 will, however, continue to be applicable.

Who is eligible for Travelling Allowance?

7th CPC Travel Entitlements

Travelling Allowance and Related matters | Finmin Orders
Office Memorandum No. & Title Download Date
F.No.19030/1/2017-E.IVTravelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of the
Recommendations of the Seventh CPC
Download 01/02/2018
Admissibility for reimbursement for travel within the city Download 17/02/2017
Transfer Travelling Allowance Form for Central Government employee

Travelling Allowance Bill For Transfer

  • Part-A (To be filled by the Government Servant)

Particulars of an employee

Part-B (To be filled in the Bills Section)

  • Expenditure Details

Note: This bill should be prepared in duplicate-one for payment and the other as an office copy

Time limit for submission of claims for Travelling Allowance (TA) on retirement regarding

The time limit for submission of TA claim in all other cases i.e. on tour, transfer and training etc. will remain 60 days.

Travelling Allowance (TA/DA) Chart
Title of Subject Travelling Allowance Rules
Beneficiaries Central Government Employees
TA/DA Travelling Allowance & Daily Allowance
Eligibility Official Duty or Temporary Duty
Rules Based on 7th Central Pay Commission
Travel on Air, Train, Road and Sea
Level 5 & below First Class/AC-III/AC Chair Car in Train
Levels 6 to 8 AC-II in Train
Levels 9 to 11 Economy Class in Air or AC-II in Train
Levels 12 & 13 Economy Class in Air or AC-I in Train
Level 14 & above Business/Club Class in Air or AC-I in Train

Travelling Allowance on transfer to/from the North-Eastern Region, Union Territories of Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep Island and Ladakh

If the family of the Railway employee does not accompany him. transfer to from these areas, the employee is entitled to carry personal effects up to 1/3rd of his entitlement and production of receipt/voucher is not mandatory to claim 1/3rd of his entitlement of transportation of personal effects.

If the family of the Railway employee accompanies him on transfer to/from these areas, the employee is entitled to the admissible cost of transportation of personal effects and production of receipt/voucher is mandatory to claim the admissible amount as per his entitlement for transportation of personal effects.