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List of Kendriya Vidyalaya in Silchar (Assam) 2025-26

सिलचर 2025-26 में केन्द्रीय विद्यालय स्कूलों की नवीनतम सूची

Discover the most up-to-date compilation of esteemed educational institutions in Silchar, Assam – the renowned Kendriya Vidyalaya schools. Delve into the array of options available to you in this comprehensive list, which also includes official website links for your convenience. By simply clicking on the direct link associated with your preferred KV school, you will be instantly enlightened about the seamless class 1 admission procedure for the upcoming academic year of 2025-26.

KVS Silchar Admission 2025-26

Introducing the comprehensive compilation of educational institutions in the esteemed KV Silchar Region for the upcoming academic year of 2025-26. The illustrious KV Silchar Regional Office effectively administers and supervises an impressive total of 30 KV schools within its expansive jurisdiction. Regrettably, details regarding the number of clusters are currently unavailable. If you desire further elucidation, we kindly direct you to the official website of the esteemed KV Silchar Regional Office, conveniently located at rosilchar.kvs.gov.in. Remarkably, these exceptional educational establishments boast an astounding student populace exceeding 50,000, while simultaneously being fortified by a passionate and committed workforce comprising more than 2,000 diligent individuals. Diligently striving to offer nothing short of excellence, KV schools remain firmly dedicated to delivering a superlative standard of education. Should you wish to delve deeper into the multifaceted realm of the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, we recommend visiting their official website at kvsangathan.nic.in.

KVS Silchar Regional Office

OrganizationKendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
AddressNear Lions Eye Hospital, Captain N.M. Gupta Sarani, Silchar-788001
No. of Schools30
No. of ClusterNA

KVS Silchar Region Schools List 2025-26

The commencement of the online admission process for Kendriya Vidyalaya in Silchar, for the academic year 2025-26, is scheduled for March 2025. We kindly request that all parents diligently follow the admission notification, which will be issued by the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) in the last week of February 2025. Within the Silchar region, there are a total of 30 Kendriya Vidyalaya schools, each having its own designated official website link. To access the comprehensive list of these schools, along with their respective official website links, please refer to the provided information below.

School NameLinks
KV GC CRPF AgartalaAdmission 2025-26
KV NIT AgartalaAdmission 2025-26
KV (Kunjban)No.I AgartalaAdmission 2025-26
KV (ONGC) No.Ii AgartalaAdmission 2025-26
KV AizawlAdmission 2025-26
KV Mizoram University TanhrilAdmission 2025-26
KV DhalaiAdmission 2025-26
KV Assam UniversityAdmission 2025-26
KV (BSF) BagafaAdmission 2025-26
KV (NEPA) BarapaniAdmission 2025-26
KV(HPC) Cachar PanchgramAdmission 2025-26
KV ChamphaiAdmission 2025-26
KV (BSF)DholcheraAdmission 2025-26
KV KailashaharAdmission 2025-26
KV KarimgunjAdmission 2025-26
KV (AFS)KumbhirgramAdmission 2025-26
KV LungleiAdmission 2025-26
KV MasimpurAdmission 2025-26
KV (BSF) PanisagarAdmission 2025-26
KV (Happy Valley)ShillongAdmission 2025-26
KV (AFS) Laitkor Peak ShillongAdmission 2025-26
KV (Nehu) ShillongAdmission 2025-26
KV Eac Upper ShillongAdmission 2025-26
KV SilcharAdmission 2025-26
KV NITAdmission 2025-26
KV (ONGC) Sonai RoadAdmission 2025-26
KV Bsf Taliamura. KhasiamangalAdmission 2025-26
KV TuraAdmission 2025-26
KV Umroi CanttAdmission 2025-26
KV BSF GokulnagarAdmission 2025-26
School NameLinks
KV GC CRPF Agartalacrpfagartala.kvs.ac.in
KV NIT Agartalanitagartala.kvs.ac.in
KV (Kunjban) No I Agartalano1agartala.kvs.ac.in
KV (ONGC) No II Agartalaongcagartala.kvs.ac.in
KV Aizawalaizawal.kvs.ac.in
KV Mizoram University Tanhrilaizawlmu.kvs.ac.in
KV Dhalaiambassa.kvs.ac.in
KV Assam Universityassamuniversity.kvs.ac.in
KV (BSF) Bagafabsfbagafa.kvs.ac.in
KV (NEPA) Barapaninepabarapani.kvs.ac.in
KV (HPC) Cachar Panchgramhpcpanchgram.kvs.ac.in
KV Champhaichamphai.kvs.ac.in
KV (BSF)Dholcherabsfdholchera.kvs.ac.in
KV Kailashaharkailashahar.kvs.ac.in
KV Karimgunjkarimganj.kvs.ac.in
KV (AFS)Kumbhirgramafskumbhirgram.kvs.ac.in
KV Lungleilunglei.kvs.ac.in
KV Masimpurmasimpur.kvs.ac.in
KV (BSF) Panisagarbsfpanisagar.kvs.ac.in
KV (Happy Valley)Shillonghappyvalley.kvs.ac.in
KV (AFS) Laitkor Peak Shillongafsshillong.kvs.ac.in
KV (Nehu) Shillongnehushillong.kvs.ac.in
KV Eac Upper Shillongeacuppershillong.kvs.ac.in
KV Silcharsilchar.kvs.ac.in
KV NITnitsilchar.kvs.ac.in
KV (ONGC) Sonai Roadongcsilchar.kvs.ac.in
KV BSF Taliamura. Khasiamangalbsfteliamura.kvs.ac.in
KV Turatura.kvs.ac.in
KV Umroi Canttumroicantt.kvs.ac.in
KV BSF Gokulnagarbsfgokulnagar.kvs.ac.in

How many KV schools are in Silchar?

There are 30 Kendriya Vidyalaya schools in the region of Silchar (Assam).

When will start class 1 admission in Silchar KV Schools?

Class 1 admission in all Kendriya Vidyalaya schools in Silchar for the academic year 2025-26 is expected to start in the month of March 2025.