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CBSE Reading Challenge 2022-2023

CBSE Reading Challenge 2022-2023 | Hindi English at two levels | Classes 6th to 7th | Classes 8th to 10th

(An Autonomous Organisation under the Ministry of Education, Govt., of India)


Dated: 02.11.2022
Circular No.:Acad-134/2022

All Heads of Independent Schools affiliated to CBSE

SUBJECT: CBSE Reading Challenge 2022-2023

With a shift in goals and processes of learning from memorization to the acquisition of 21st-century skills and competencies of communication and critical thinking, the ability to locate, understand and reflect on various kinds of information has become more crucial. It is well accepted, that Reading Literacy is not only a foundation for achievement in other subject areas within the educational system but also a prerequisite for successful participation in most areas of adult life.

With a focus on promoting Reading Literacy among students, the Central Board of Secondary Education has been organizing the CBSE Reading Challenge since 2019. This CBSE Reading Challenge for the academic session 2022-23 would be organized in the months of October – November 2022.

Details of the CBSE Reading Challenge

1. It is available in Hindi and/or English at two levels: classes 6th to 7th; and classes 8th to 10th.

2. This contest would engage participants with a variety of stimulants and focus on the ability to:

  • read with comprehension and accuracy;
  • construct meaning by retrieving information, relating text with their previous knowledge and integrating information;
  • interpret information and draw inferences; and
  • reflect and evaluate with a view to judge the quality and credibility of the text.

3. This contest would be conducted through two rounds – within the school, and inter-school.

4. There is no fee for participating students at any of the two stages of this enrichment activity.

5. All students of classes VI to X in CBSE-affiliated schools are eligible to participate in Round One/First stage. Schools would be required to register students for this round. For Round Two/Second stage, each affiliated school registered in the first stage can nominate and register ten students (the best 02 students from each participating class) for the English version of the Challenge.

6. The task for participating students would focus both on speed and accuracy. The reading challenge paper with reading tasks would comprise a variety of stimulants followed by objective-type questions.

7. All the participants of Round Two would be issued online participation by the Board. An appreciation certificate would be given to the best-performing students.

8. Details for schools to register are in Annexure I.

All schools may encourage students to participate in the CBSE Reading Challenge as it would provide learners an opportunity to practice and demonstrate reading skills. For any clarifications, you may send an email to cbse.reading.mission@cbseshiksha.in or call on 011-23211575.

With best wishes.

Dr. Joseph Emmanuel
Director (Academics)


The Reading Challenge shall be conducted in two stages:

A. Round One / First stage:

An affiliated school can register its students (Classes VI & VII and VIII to X) for the Hindi or English or both Reading Challenge through the link on the CBSE website i.e. www.cbse.gov.in and www.cbseacademic.nic.in for Round One/First stage from 02.11.2022 to 25.11.2022. To avoid last moment rush, schools are advised to register well before the last date.

On 28.11.2022, a reading challenge paper with reading tasks would be made available to the registered schools with the scoring criteria.

The school shall organize the Challenge for the registered students between 28.11.2022 to 30.11.2022 and identify ten students (2 each from Classes VI & VII and VIII to X) on the basis of their performance on the earlier assigned reading tasks for the Hindi as well as English RC. In case more than ten students perform at the same level, a suitable screening test may be conducted by the schools at their own end to identify the ten best students.

The school shall subsequently register the identified students for Round 2 on the CBSE website between 01.12.2022 to 16.12.2022.

B. Round Two / Second stage

A computer-based Reading Challenge would be conducted by the Board for the registered students between 19.12.2022 and 30.12.2022. Only the schools that have completed the first stage and subsequently registered students for Round Two shall be eligible for the second stage.

The detailed modalities of conduct of this test shall be communicated to the schools that register students for the second round of the challenge.

Click to view more details of CBSE Reading Challenge in PDF

CBSE Reading Challenge Login Registration 2022-23

Instructions: This is open for the students of classes 6 to 10 in two categories:
I Category: 6 – 7
II Category: 8 – 10 (in English and Hindi)

  • There is no fee for this student enrichment activity.
  • Round I would be held within the school. CBSE would provide the assessment tool for this to the registered schools.
  • For Round II, schools would identify 10 students ( 2 from each class) based on their performance.