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CBSE Schools in Gadag District Karnataka 2024-25

CBSE Schools in Gadag District Karnataka | CBSE schools in Gadag (Karnataka) | CBSE Schools in Gadag Karnataka

The complete list of CBSE affiliated schools in Gadag district Karnataka includes the school address, contact phone number, email id, website link, and affiliation number also.

Bala Vinayaka Vidyaniketan

Affiliation No.830582
Affiliated up to: 31/03/2028
Address: Sambhapur Road, 582101
Phone No: 8372 297226
Email: principal.bvv@gmail.com
Website: http://www.balavinayaka.com

Basaveshwara Primary School

Affiliation No.830645
Affiliated up to: 31/03/2024
Address: Naregal, Rona Taluk, Gadag Disrict, Karnataka, 582119
Phone No: 1745 08381293332
Email: sacnaregal@gmail.com
Website: http://basaveshwaraprimaryschool.org

De Paul Academy, Ron

Affiliation No.830976
Affiliated up to: 31/03/2023
Address: De Paul Academy Ron, Bhasalapur, Hubli Road, Ron, 582209
Phone No: 0712 8197840876
Email: djlloydr@gmail.com
Website: http://www.depaulacademyron.com/

Gadag Public School

Affiliation No.830456
Affiliated up to: 31/03/2025
Address: Gadag Public School,Gadag-Kkarnataka, 582101
Phone No: 8372 297395
Email: svgouri7@gmail.com

J G International English Medium School

Affiliation No.830823
Affiliated up to: 31/03/2023
Address: Mundargi Road At Post Papanashi Tq Gadag Dist Gadag, 582103
Phone No: 08372297267
Email: ispujar@gmail.com
Website: http://www.jginternationalenglishmediumschool.com

J. Tontadarya Primary School, Gajendragad

Affiliation No.830390
Affiliated up to: 31/03/2026
Address: Head Master, Jt Cbse School Gajendragad, 582114
Phone No: 8371 262066
Email: rashmijanmani@gmail.com

Jagadguru Tontadarya Residential School

Affiliation No.830158
Affiliated up to: 31/03/2024
Address: Mundarqi Gadag, Karnataka, 582118
Phone No: 8371 262695
Email: maheshmalagitti@gmail.com

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya

Affiliation No.840021
Affiliated up to: 31/03/2025
Address: Mundargi Distt Godag Karnataka, 582118
Phone No: 0837 08371215567
Email: jnvgadag10@gmail.com

Jaycee High School

Affiliation No.830986
Affiliated up to: 31/03/2028
Address: Mulgund Road Gadag 582103
Phone No: 08372237852
Email: highschooljaycee@gmail.com
Website: http://www.jayceehighschool.com

K.L.E Society’s Primary School

Affiliation No.830235
Affiliated up to: 31/03/2027
Address: J.T.College Campus, Gadag, Karnataka, 582101
Phone No: 8372 235800
Email: kavitakulkarni810@gmail.com

School Chandan

Affiliation No.830305
Affiliated up to: 31/03/2027
Address: Laxmeshwar, Laxmeshwar Taluq, Gadag District, Karnataka, 582116
Phone No: 08487-273160
Email: schoolchandan@gmail.com
Website: http://schoolchandan.edu.in/

Shri Parshwanath English Medium High School Gadag

Affiliation No.830917
Affiliated up to: 31/03/2026
Address: Near Kanak Bhavan Mulgund Road Gadag 582103
Phone No: 08372-234289
Email: parshwanathgdg@gmail.com

Sir. M Vishweshwarayya Primary School

Affiliation No.830668
Affiliated up to: 31/03/2023
Address: Shri Venkateshwar Temple Premises, Near Tmc Naragund, 582207
Phone No: 8377 08377241547
Email: smvcbse@gmail.com

Sri Jagadguru Tontadarya Vidyapeeth School

Affiliation No.830617
Affiliated up to: 31/03/2028
Address: Gadag, 582101
Phone No: 08372236933
Email: admjtmath@gmail.com
Website: http://gbcbseschool.webs.com/

Sri Rajeshwari Vidayaniketan

Affiliation No.830009
Affiliated up to: 31/03/2023
Address: Hulkoti Gadag Tk. Tal. & Dist. Gadag Karnataka, 582205
Phone No: 8372 289457
Email: srv_hulkoti@yahoo.com