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Kendriya Vidyalaya Ganj Basoda Admission 2023-24

Kendriya Vidyalaya Ganj Basoda Admission 2023-24 | Kendriya Ganj Basoda Online Admission | KV Ganj Basoda website

We have compiled and given below the detailed information about the Kendriya Vidyalaya Ganj Basoda school admission process for the academic year 2023-24. The Ganj Basoda KV school comes under the Bhopal region (Madhya Pradesh).

Click to view All Madhya Pradesh Kendriya Vidyalaya School List 2023

KV Ganj Basoda School Overview

Name  Kendriya Vidyalaya Ganj Basoda
Address Ganj Basoda, Pin-464221
Contact 9425149253
E-mail of Principal ppl.ganjbasoda@kvs.gov.in
Parliamentary Constituency  Vidisha- 464 221
Official Website ganjbasoda.kvs.ac.in
CBSE Affiliation No. 1000103
CBSE School No. 51132
Station Code

KV School Ganj Basoda Admission Process Step by Step

1st Process of KV Ganj Basoda Class 1 Admission 2023-24: The first process of registration of your child through KVS admission online portal with required documents. Keep the following documents while registering for class 1: Mobile number, Email address, a scanned photograph of the child (JPEG 256 KB), Scan copy of the child’s birth certificate (JPEG 256 KB)

2nd Process of KV Ganj Basoda Class 1 Admission 2023-24: Check the status of your child’s application whether it is approved or not. Click the link [Check Application Status] provided at the right top of the KVS admission portal. Enter the login details with your mobile number in the required field.

3rd Process of KV Ganj Basoda Class 1 Admission 2023-24: Check the list of eligible candidates for class 1 admission on the respective KV school website or displayed in the Notice Board.

4th Process of KV Ganj Basoda Class 1 Admission 2023-24: Draw of Lots: The management of KV school will constitute the committee including the parent of those applicants. The committee will conduct the Draw of Lots. 25 percent of the available vacancies are to be filled under RTE provisions in General Category.

5th Process of KV Ganj Basoda Class 1 Admission 2023-24: Waiting List: Waiting List – Category priority-wise admission list will be published one by one by the respective KV school management on their official website. If you are on the waiting list, be patient and contact the school in person!

केन्द्रीय विद्यालय आवेदन ऑनलाइन प्रवेश २०२३-२४ | केंद्रीय विद्यालय संगठन प्रवेश दिशानिर्देश २०२३ -2४

KVS Online Class 1 Admission – Instruction on Multiple Application
While registering on the portal, you are strongly advised Not to submit multiple applications to the same Vidyalaya for the same child. If multiple registration forms are submitted for the same child in the same Kendriya Vidyalaya, only the last application will be considered in the admission process. In a double-shift Kendriya Vidyalaya, each shift will be treated as a separate Vidyalaya for admission purposes.
KVS Online Class 1 Admission – Instruction on Distance Criteria
The distance between the selected KV school and your residence is an important factor to apply for class 1 admission under the RTE provision. The residents should be within 5 km of the Vidyalaya in major cities and urban areas. And other areas, the distance should be 8 Kms between the school and residence.