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Pongal Bonus for TN Govt Employees and Pensioners

TN Govt Published a Statement on Pongal Bonus 2023

Teachers and State government employees in categories “C” and “D” will receive Pongal bonuses, according to the Tamil Nadu government’s announcement on Monday. The Finance Department published a statement regarding this.

A bonus of Rs. 1,000 will be given to full-time or part-time employees who receive consolidated pay/honorarium or fixed pay and work for at least 240 days in a fiscal year. The government also declared that all government pensioners, family pensioners, and retirees from village institutions who worked as village officers or village assistants would each receive a lump sum Pongal prize of Rs.500.

According to the press release, “the Tamil Nadu government will spend 221.42 crore over the bonus and Pongal prize.”

Pongal Bonus for Tamil Nadu Govt Employees and Pensioners

TN Pongal Bonus 2023

The State Government of Tamil Nadu grants a special Pongal Prize for its employees and pensioners every year on account of the Pongal Festival. All State Government employees working in C and D categories are eligible to get a Pongal Bonus of Rs. 3000. And also the State Government pensioners to get a Pongal Parisu Rs.500. All State Government employees and Pensioners are waiting for the announcement of the year 2023!

TN Pongal Bonus C & D Employees 2023

Last year the Pongal Bonus order has been published on 1st January 2022 by the Finance (Pension) Department of Tamil Nadu. The State Government has decided to grant Adhoc Bonus to celebrate the harvest festival “Pongal” equivalent to 30 days emoluments subject to a ceiling of Rs.3,000 to all C and D Group regular and temporary Government employees, employees of Local Bodies, and Aided Educational Institutions including teachers on regular time scales of pay and Special Adhoc Bonus of Rs.1000 to full time and Part time employees paid from contingencies/employees paid from Special time scale of pay.

TN Pongal Adhoc Bonus 2023

The Ad-hoc Bonus shall be computed on the basis of actual emoluments as on 31st March 2021. The amount of the ad-hoc bonus shall be calculated as if monthly emoluments were Rs.3,000 per month. In respect of that drawing pay in the pre-revised / revised scales of pay, the calculation of the Ad-hoc bonus shall be based on the emoluments drawn subject to the upper ceiling limit of Rs.3,000 per month.

TN Pongal Bonus for Pensioners 2023

Government sanction a lumpsum Pongal Prize amount of Rs.500 to all Government Pensioners who retired from the categories of C and D Group (C and D Group of Scales of Pay (Ordinary Grade) is annexed to this order) including all C and D Group of Pensioners of Aided Educational Institutions, Local Bodies, Ex-Village Establishment (Ex-Village Officers and Village Servants-Assistants), Ad-hoc Pensioners of all categories (Pensioners those who are drawing Special Pension of Rs.2,000 with effect from 1-10-2017 i.e. Noon Meal Organizers, Anganwadi Workers, Mini Anganwadi Workers, Cooks, Cook Assistants, Anganwadi Helpers, Panchayat Secretaries, Village Librarian, Sweepers, Sanitary Workers, Scavengers, Plot Watchers, Anti-poaching Watchers, Police Station Cleaners, Ayah) and to all Family Pensioners irrespective of the Groups from which the Pensioners, Deceased Government employee had retired, died while in service.

TN Pongal Bonus Order 2023

The State Government of Tamil Nadu will issue G.O. on Pongal Bonus for the year 2023 after the official announcement of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin.