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Confirmed 42% DA for CG Employees from January 2023

AICPIN for Nov 2022 confirms 42% DA for Govt employees from January 2023.

The All-India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) stayed unchanged in November 2022, per a Labour Bureau press release. Therefore, the Dearness Allowance for January 2023 has reached its conclusion! According to the Seventh Central Pay Commission, this month’s CPI-IW data reveals a 4% increase, resulting in a 42% increase in DA/DR for Central Government Employees and Pensioners. If the AICPIN index for the month of December 2022 increases by more than 7 points or decreases by more than 5 points from its current level, only then could the projection of “Expected DA from January 2023” be altered! Aside from that, the 42% Dearness Allowance (DA) beginning in January 2023 is nearly confirmed!

42% DA/DR Almost Confirmed!

The All-India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) stayed unchanged in November 2022, per a Labour Bureau press release. Therefore, the Dearness Allowance for January 2023 has reached its conclusion! According to the Seventh Central Pay Commission, this month’s CPI-IW data reveals a 4% increase, resulting in a 42% increase in DA/DR for Central Government Employees and Pensioners. If the AICPIN index for the month of December 2022 increases by more than 7 points or decreases by more than 5 points from its current level, only then could the projection of “Expected DA from January 2023” be altered! Aside from that, the 42% Dearness Allowance (DA) beginning in January 2023 is nearly confirmed!

42% DA Caculation Table
July 2022 129.9 374 39.03
August 2022 130.2 375 39.70
September 2022 131.3 378 40.43
October 2022 132.5 382 41.13
November 2022 132.5 382 41.77
December 2022 132.5 382 42.44

If the AICPIN index number for the month of December will be 132.5, the additional DA/DR for Central Government employees, pensioners, and family pensioners will be 4%! The total DA/DR will move up to 42%!